Protecting Our Local Environment
The environment is an integral part of our development model. Its protection is both a prerequisite for the success of our businesses and a source of competitiveness. For this reason, we work to instill a culture that calls for the utmost diligence and professionalism to achieve the highest possible environmental standards. To do so, we continuously strive to improve the environmental performance of our installations and our products.
Environmental risks are an inherent part of the energy business. This creates a dual challenge for the industry, which has to both meet energy needs and protect the environment. That’s why the concept of environmental performance is so significant to PetroSouth® – We address environmental factors with the utmost diligence.
The Protection Approach
Our approach is based on understanding the environment, because a better knowledge of risks makes it easier to anticipate them effectively and take appropriate preventive measures. At the outset of each project, we perform an environmental impact study to obtain:
- A detailed picture of the baseline situation.
- A precise assessment of the potential effects of our operations.
- A set of measures to minimize the impact.
The Quality of Air
The preservation of air quality is one of our top priorities everywhere PetroSouth® operates.
To meet the challenge of protecting residents’ health and maintaining balanced local ecosystems, we have set targets to reduce atmospheric emissions from both our installations and our products.
The combustion of hydrocarbons creates atmospheric emissions that have an impact on the environment, ecosystems and health.
To limit the negative impacts around our facilities, we emphasize information and prevention.
Water Quality
Water is a vital resource for both life and our operations. We therefore strive to optimize our water use in order to reduce our water withdrawals and consumption, and preserve water quality throughout our production chain.
To ensure sustainable and effective water management, regulations are becoming increasingly strict. At PetroSouth®, we are constantly leveraging our expertise to limit as much as possible the impact of our activities on water resources wherever we operate, across the life cycle of our facilities and products.
- Taking regional sensitivities into account.
- Managing water from the first to the last day of a project.
- Water performance report is shared in all our projects.