Industry Industry

Safety Policy

In a bid to uphold our commitment to better energy, we go the extra mile to foster the safety of our employees and stakeholders, as well as that of our facilities and products. Our strategy is based on safety, a core value embraced by everyone at PetroSouth. Our daily operations are dotted by a structured, systematic safety approach. To effectively anticipate potential issues, we systematically assess risks prior to project or operation commencement.

Our Robust Analytical Methodology Involves:

Safety Culture

At PetroSouth®, safety is more than just a priority. It’s a core value and the basis of our strategy. Our aspiration is to be recognized as a regional trend setter for safety .To achieve this ambition, we have taken steps to ensure that safety is an integral component of our business processes and guides our everyday actions. Since safety is one of our core values, the desire remains to apply it at all levels.

From occupational safety to process and transportation safety; it should encompass both our own employees, as well as those of our partners. Because of the concerted effort towards achieving the above, PetroSouth® has over the years seen marked drops in statistics for: the number of injuries recorded per million hours worked (TRIR) and the number of injuries leading to lost time

Get Everyone Involved

Employee Personal Involvement & Experience

The significance of our employees cannot be emphasized more since safety starts with their accountability. We encourage employees to systematically report any incidents or anomalies that they may witness as a channel of getting every member of the company to step in to prevent safety hazards, and facilitate experience sharing.

Management Involvement

PetroSouth managers play a major role in reminding everyone about the everyday significance of safety. Managers are also tasked with, on a structured schedule, organizing training on safety rules and procedures, including driving involvement across the entire company.

Stakeholders Involvement

Safety is everyone’s responsibility. It is a concern of both our employees and those of our partner companies, as they undeniably play a major role in our operations. The latter is the reason why safety criteria is critical whilst selecting PetroSouth partners.